Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kailie recovered from her cough

Yuta just recovered from his cough within a week. Mommy was feeling relieved for a very short time until Kailie started to cough a little then it was worsened. Mommy and oma brought Kailie to peditrician and she was diagnosed with wheezing and RSV. Her breath has to be helped with a nebulizer and drugs Xopenex for every 4-6 hours. Mommy's breastmilk was dropping drastically as Kailie appetite went down. Mommy has to pump and drink more soup.
It was worrying when we saw her breathing hard and coughing really badly. She was skinier too.
But she is ok now. Once again, mommy prayed with mommy's friend, Janet, on mommy's farewell party held on tante Melga's house with all Arisan Friends. God answered our prayer, and Kailie's condition are renewed and getting MUCH Much better.

A quotation from Janet's sharing from her trip in Wales,

John 14:14,
“You may ask Me for anything in My Name and I will do it.”

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