Friday, June 26, 2009

Disney Game @ Parkway Parade

As my boy already 4 years old now, he is more curious and active about his surroundings. We have to bring him out to satisfy the little brain of his. So when the mall across our house, Parkway Parade, has this Disney game going on during June school holiday the thought of bringing Yuta there is unavoidable. But who realizes that Kailie is actually ready for the game also?!

Mommy, Ie Cory, Yuta and Kailie went to Parkway Parade to have our lunch together on one fine day, and then after that Yuta joined the Disney game for the 4th time (kids never grow tired of games!). And guess what, Kailie also tried the game for the very first time! :)

1 comment:

astrid said...

Wah parkway parade tmpt mangkal gw dulu tuh. Haha. Gw demen banget ama tmpt nya. Apalghe ada ice cream duren nya! ;) Eloe pindah rumah ya li? Baru tau gw.. Gw kira msh di simei...