Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Something about my boy's teeth

A regret? maybe...
One of my boy's front teeth has a cavity that makes him lose his appetite. Having a toothache can never be fun.

We blame it to sweets and chocolates though we also realize it is because of less frequent of brushing his teeth. I took it for granted to think that milk teeth are not so important compared to the premanent teeth. But if you consider that the permanent teeth will only appear when your kid become 6 years old, you might want think again to diligently teaching your kids to brush their teeth, at least twice a day, morning and nigh. Therefore they might not lose their milk teeth too early because of cavities.

My boy is 4 years old now, so this will be a lesson for both Yuta and us, if he has to sacrifice one of his front tooth because of the toothache.

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